Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Adidas Facebook And Twitter Shoes

If you liked my older post about geeky custom designed Nike shoes, you'll like these too!
Custom made Facebook and Twitter shoes, designed by Gerry McKay.


4th Amendment Wear

Protest those intrusive TSA X-ray scanners without saying a word, with the 4th Amendment Metallic ink-printed undershirts and underwear. Assert your rights without saying a word.

The concept behind 4th Amendment Wear is simple: to get a few people to think a little more about their constitutional rights. With all the issues surrounding this recent measure, many people have voiced their concern over this intrusive security process. Printed with metallic-based ink, there are shirts, bras, socks and underwear from 4th Amendment Wear that shows the text of the US constitution’s 4th amendment to anyone viewing the screen.

"The clothes are designed as a silent protest against the new reality of being searched to the point where we’re basically naked. We don’t intend for this to be anything more than a thought-provoking way to fuel the debate about safety vs. civil liberties. If we sell a few items, great. But the main intention is to open more dialogue. It’s more of a conceptual piece than anything else."


Monday, November 29, 2010

BCBC In The Fall: Adventures with Riker

A few years ago I went to the trouble of defining what I saw as my unique roles in life - "adventurer" was one of them. When I went to school that part of me got sidelined quite a bit. Since another of my roles is "Father," I decided to combine the two. Riker and I had a little adventure a little over two month ago. He skipped school (with Jobina's consent) and we went up to the wildlands of Mennville where we stayed in the Dueck's cabin (Thanks Terry and Brian!). Interestingly, we got up there pretty late (it was dark) and it was raining. The trail was a little wet and when I tried to get my van down a "shortcut" to avoid some water I got stuck. Riker was so funny - when he realized we were stuck he actually screamed out "We're going to die!!" After calming him down we walked to Eric and Lindsey's to see about getting a little help but they weren't home. So we walked over to Walden and Eileens and not only did Walden get us out, but he kindly offered us his 4X4 truck to get out to the cabin. We were overwhelmed by his generosity and soon we we bouncing down the trail feeling much more confident. Riker was still thinking that we might meet our demise though when after bouncing down the trail for a few minutes we were stopped by trees that had fallen across the trail. So we got out in the rain and dragged those big trees out of the way. A few minutes later we reached the cabin in the dark and had a great time unloading and getting a fire started. Some highlights of that evening involved gathering birch bark in the dark, playing uno by candlelight, Riker reading me Bible stories, and triumphantly getting the fire going.
The next day we got up and Riker was in much better spirits. After breakfast we went exploring in the surrounding bush. This was probably the most fun Riker had - it was tough dragging him back to pack up. Here's me and the boy:

Riker found some "cool bones" in the forest. Here he is posing with them (with machete as well):

Some flowers growing beside the cabin:

Riker hacking branches of trees, deep in the forest:

But we wanted to get up to BCBC and help out in the remodelling of the kitchen so eventually we had to leave. BCBC is our family camp - I've been going there since I was 8 years old and it is kind of spiritual centering point for me. I'm rarely up there when it's fall, so the colors of the trees changing were quite awesome to behold. Here's a bald eagle we saw on the side of the Pine Dock road as we drove north:

I'm afraid I didn't do very much to help out (probably a total of 2 or 3 hours) but that was never the main intent anyway. Basically I just wanted to hang out up there with Riker and show him that it was important to serve. Here's a picture of Riker putting screws into the floor:

Later that day we went out to the overnight site on the point. During the summer we set up old canvas prospector tents there, but right now only the frames are visible:

Later after helping out some more, everyone left us and Riker and I moved into Robin's Nest (a cabin) and went to the firepit and had ourselves a great weiner roast:

The stars were out and the night was one of those eerily quiet ones - almost no wind. Very beautiful. That night Riker read to me more Bible stories (I get kind of choked up when I think about it - staying in a cabin at my camp overnight with my son - and him reading Bible stories to me - Wow I am blessed!) and we both slept well. The next day we took some pics around the camp and then headed for home:

It's funny, when I reflect on all the things I have done this year, this is probably at the top of my list. Spending time going on adventures with my son - that to me is time very well spent. I often have great intent, but am poor on follow through when it comes to such things. But this time it worked out and I am thankful. To keep myself accountable I told Trinity that her time is next. Hopefully we'll have a chance to do that before Christmas (or shortly afterward) . . .

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Indelicate Dollies And Buzzkill Coasters

Two sets of equally rude coasters to spice up your holiday season.
Buy them here and here.


Phonofone III

The dock of the latest version of the ceramic passive amplifier sits in the middle of the speaker. It boosts the iPhone’s volume by about four times. Works with 1st, 3rd and 4th gen iPhones.

Buy it here.


God Bless Melissa!

Create the cupcake of your wildest dreams thanks to Baked by Melissa’s cupcake customizer. You’ll need to order at least 300 of the tasty cakes if you want some, but its fairly doable, right? I mean, they're CUPCAKES!!!



Incredible 3D Chalk Drawings

Mr. Hou is a talented Chinese artist famous for his memorable 3D drawings.
For his creative street art, internet fans have labeled him the "Chalk God"
