Sunday, July 31, 2011

Swim Army Usb Flash Drives

Really cool USB flash drives from Victorinox Swiss Army.

They are waterproof and shock-resistant, and also offer USB data encryption. The Slim and Slim Duo come in sizes of 4GB to 128GB. The Slim Duo basically offers two thin USB drives in the same compact form

Get one here.


Functional Ornamental Dishes

Sweet! Designed by Ariane Prin.


Scotch Tape Shoe Dispenser

Fashionistas, you'll love this one! Get it here.


The New York Times Scented Candle

If you like the smell of newspaper, this candle is the one for you.

The New York Times Candle was one of designer-artist Tobias Wong, who passed away in 2010, last concepts. With the current fascination with scents and, especially, experimental scents, Wong proposed producing a candle with the fragrance of newsprint inspired by The New York Times, an institution he greatly admired and with which he had a longstanding relationship.

The project, though in progress, was never actualized. So you’ll just have to stick to sniffing the Sunday Styles.


Klein Constantia Honey Packaging

Beautiful honey packaging for Klein Constantia Farm by Terence Kitching.

 "The small white box resembles a bee hive box with embossed ridges to denote planks of wood & nails. The famous Klein Constantia crest is gold foiled on the front of the box below the diecut slit that has one bee on its way into the box inviting you to open the packaging. The box opens to reveal a, bee covered, honey comb pattern as well as small diecut bees packaged inside each box. all the bees were also detailed with gold foiling."


High Heel Nike Dunks?!

Ok, calm down, they're not real, but you gotta admire the execution. Kudos!
A precursor to what Louboutin x Nike or Jimmy Choo x Nike could look like?


Cake Candelabra

A chandelier cake topper/candleholder that Liberace would have loved!
Get it here.


Chocolate Bed Toppings

Chocolate bedding set. Guaranteed sweet dreams with this one!
Buy it here.


Chalkboard Office Accessories

Waaaant! So practical!
Get them here.


Turn Tap for USB Power

The Charging Tap is a hub that charges your cellphones, digital cameras or others. You just hook up your gadget and turn the tap on. Designed by Qi Weijia.


Thursday, July 28, 2011


The last few weeks have been a bit challenging around our house. A few week ago we put in a bid on a house with more bedrooms and actually won the bidding war. Amazing. After the jubilation ended we were left with trying to figure out how to sell our house - shall we go private sale or a realtor? Recently the realtors have been forced to open up the MLS so we decided to try and sell privately on the MLS with a flat fee broker. It's much cheaper, but more work. The thing is that we only have a week or so to sell the property and so it's been a bit stressful doing the cleaning, moving stuff out, redecorating, fixing, babysitting the kids, etc. This weekend is our open house (Sunday 1-3) with offers to purchase the following Tuesday. Jobina and I have both felt quite overwhelmed sometimes (OK, I have felt overwhelmed) with business and worry and when I hit that place I start to lose my perspective on what is really important.

Then I saw this yesterday.

Seeing those pictures dumbfounded me. I felt intense grief, grief that children have to suffer like that and are suffering like. I also felt incredulous that a few moments ago I had been worrying about how much money I was going to be able to get for my house when there are literally millions of people who are worrying about if they are going to have enough food to feed their children. Suddenly reality (and God's reality) got through to me for a moment. All I wanted to do was something to help. All my internal worrying and whining about not having enough was shown for what it is - stupidity. I am blessed to have more then I'll ever need.

There is massive famine in Africa right now. But there are people trying to do something about it. I saw an add this morning for Samaritan's Purse who is doing relief work in the drought stricken areas of Africa. Check out some of the details here. And the Canadian government is doing something cool - matching any donations for Africa given to Samaritan's Purse, if it is given before September 12th. Feel free to donate at this link. If you feel lead to give something I know you won't regret it. And please pray for those who are suffering!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pixar's Up House For Sale

A detailed replica of the house from Pixar’s movie Up was constructed in Utah. Carl and Ellie’s dream home was built in Herriman by Bangerter Homes.


Like Facebook Hanger

Get it here :)


Coke Vs. Coke Light

Coke VS Coke light by DDB, Stockholm, Sweden


Milk and Two Sugars?

How do you like your hot drink? You can have a mug personalized with your name and drink order, may it be coffee, tea or hot chocolate. Buy it here.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Girl Gamer Necklaces

For girls who like to celebrate their love for video games, these necklaces are perfect for showing off your favorite console.

Buy them here.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Patriotic Cake

Perfect for the 4th of July! A bit too late I know, but there's always next year :)
Get recipe and instructions here.



These handmade pillows designed to look like Nikon and Canon lenses. They’re made with fleece, felt and approximately 3 stops worth of love, and are currently available in a Canon 50mm f/1.8 II and Nikon 35mm f/1.8 designs.

Buy them here.


Every Guy's Nightmare!

Dios Mio!!! Freaky bikinis by Pale Horse Design. Get them here.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

BLT Ring

BLT ring consists of bacon, lettuce, tomato, and two bread pieces.


Tape Strip Hooks

Using tape on your walls is usually not a good idea if you want to keep your wall paint intact. These adorable adhesive hooks look like a strip of curled tape, but unlike tape, actually belong on the wall. Each set comes with an assortment of 3 different colored tape hooks that would look perfect in an office or craft room.

Buy them here.


Custom Pet Nose Necklaces! SO CUTE!!!

Just like people have unique fingerprints, dogs and cats have unique nose prints. To celebrate your pet’s individuality, Custom Pet Nose Necklaces let you carry a little piece of them close to your heart. The necklaces are made using a pet-safe, non-toxic mold that’s sent to the artist who casts their nose print into sterling silver.

Order them here!


Organizational Charts of Major High Tech Companies

Lol! Manu Cornet drew these Org Charts of some of the biggest tech companies.



STOYN Ice Cream is a design experiment that brought together 10 of the most iconic figures in world culture and embodied their images into ice cream. Worldwide superheroes – Vladimir Mayakovsky, Darth Vader, Ernesto Che Guevara, Donald Duck, Marilyn Monroe, Mickey Mouse and Mario!!!
