Wednesday, April 29, 2009

40 Days

I was looking for a new book to read and as I was perusing my bookshelf my eyes suddenly rested upon The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren. I've never been a big fan of this book but I decided that I'm going to read it again. So I've committed to reading it for the next 40 days and seeing what happens. The thing I do like about it is that Warren points out the power of living according to God's purposes for us - purposes that give one meaning for life. You'd be amazed at how many people who come to see a counselor mention that their life feels devoid of purpose and meaning. Sometimes I too feel that way (I don't feel bad, Solomon did too) and I like the reminder that life does have meaning, if you are a Christ follower. Perhaps I'll share some of the things that impact me as I'm reading it . . .

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