Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bad Blogger!

Well, it's been a few days since I've blogged. To be fair, I've been quite busy and then I had computer issues but hopefully I shall be blogging more often now.

It's been interesting.

A day or two ago our old iMac gave up the ghost (at least we think it has). It's our main home computer and the effect on Jobina was fascinating. It was like she went into a panic. No internet! At the same time I left my laptop power cord in Mennville on Tuesday and so until today we didn't have that either. Jobina was crawling the walls! And honestly so was I at first. But after a while I almost started to relish it. After reading Last Child In The Woods I realized how much indirect experience I have (internet, TV, etc) and how little direct I had. I felt like through this little unplanned fast from the internet I was able to get some much needed perspective.

We can live without the internet. Seriously. Anyway, not sure where this is all going but it felt somewhat providential. Do you ever think about your time on the computer (facebook, blogging, surfing) and wonder it is too much? Or wonder what your missing? I told Jobina it would be a cool experiment to go a whole year without any media: TV, movies, internet. I wonder how it would change your life? How would it change you socially, physically, spiritually? I don't think it is necessary for someone to give up all media, but too many of us (OK, I'm really just talking about myself) do not keep it in balance. Like too much sweets, salts, or deep fried foods, we know what we ought to do but lack the willpower to keep it in moderation. . .

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