Monday, May 10, 2010

Busy Week

Wow, last week was busy for me! I did the following:

-Met with all my counselling clients.
-Took my first online coaching session for stock trading.
-Came up with and did a sex talk at a Steinbach youth group.
-Went to a Beaver Creek Bible Camp board meeting in Riverton.
-Went to Iron Man 2 on opening night.
-Attended a wedding for one of my premarital couples.
-Directed a play in my church Sunday morning.
-Went out to Gimli to see my Mom on Mother's day.

Jobina told me she missed me after such a busy week and I realize that for me at least that kind of pace is not sustainable - if I did it week after week I'd eventually burn out. Everyone has a different capacity for what they can handle - do you know what yours is?

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