Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Boy Has Skills

Today when we got home from church Riker stayed outside while the rest of us hurried indoors to warmth and relaxation. He got out our big snow shovel and went and shoveled our walk. Then he did our neighbor Wade's walk followed by the person next to him. Then he went to our other neighbors and did theirs as well. When he was done those people came out and gave him $10! Now keep in mind that he was not necessarily trying to make money. He is only 6 years old and there is not much snow so it only takes him about two or three minutes to shovel a walk. I figure he made an hourly wage of about $300 an hour ($10 for two minutes) which is better then his sad Father was every able to do. Very impressive! Another neighbor gave him some money too and now his little entrepreneurial heart has been quickened. I'm was very proud of him!

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