Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Books

To me, one of the best presents is a book. This Christmas I received His Needs, Her Needs from my sister (which Jobina and I have thoroughly enjoyed) and Arthur Conan Doyle: The Complete Novels which is a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories from my in-laws. I also got some Christmas money and purchased the following:

1. Adrift: 76 Days Lost At Sea
2. Outliers.
3. The Little Prince (to read to my kids).
4. Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography.

So far, I have read Adrift (which is an absolutely mind-boggling survival at sea story) and am a few chapters into Outliers which is already blowing me away intellectually. I will try to do reviews on all of them when I've finished reading them. Anyone else get any Christmas books?

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