Sunday, February 6, 2011

Exterior Design of ACK by Pierandrei Associati

The exhibition we are displaying right now was from the Salone del Mobile for Tecno or the office furniture. At the display you will see the esoteric rhyme of the amazing series of sounds which is naturally reverberating off the hollow tubes of bamboo and metal when you bump into them. In the middle of this bamboo jungle you get lost on a world of dynamic sound and light. Each time you bump into different sizes of bamboo, you will noted that it stimulates your emotion differently. This is where the wonder of ACK meets with nature or I might say when nature meets technology.

ACK by Pierandrei Associati

Ack is the common exclamation of surprise where it becomes the title and the view of the Milanese Practice of Pierandrei Associati for which human space is characterized by a forest of suspended bamboo and metal tube which creates a different harmony between each of them.

 ACK Architecture Design

 ACK Architecture Design Ideas

 ACK Installation

 ACK Labyrinth by Pierandrei Associati

 ACK Labyrinth Installation

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