Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bike To Work Day

Hey everyone, just a reminder that this Friday is the official Bike To Work Day here in Winnipeg. Personally I love biking but I know that not everyone spends alot of time on their bicycle. But hey, maybe it would be fun to try it again? Why not dust off that old 10 speed, mountain bike, or 80's BMX and do some pedaling?

I'm going to ride to work on my old 94 Specialized Hard Rock - effective and stylish. It's definitely slower then a road bike, but I'm not sure I'm ready to become a roadie at this point (though I have flirted with the notion as it makes sense living in the city). My overall commute will be about 30km (both ways) so if your commute is shorter . . . feel the shame! Seriously though, what better day to try a different way of getting to work. If you would commute to work how far would it be? Would you be willing to try biking it? Just curious . . .

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