Monday, June 29, 2009

Mutual Submission And One's Wardrobe

After reading His Needs, Her Needs, Jobina and I have been quite a bit more honest about what we like and don't like about each other's wardrobes. The idea is that why wear things that the other person really doesn't like (or doesn't find you at all attractive in)? A bit scary at first, but I like the honesty now and wouldn't trade it. The first few times of honest talk were challenging, but now it's really not too difficult at all.

Today at the dinner table I proposed this as an idea: Ask a couple to agree to the following: each person gets to go through their spouse's wardrobe and get rid of three things. Isn't that a great idea? Imagine all the fun! I don't think it would be too traumatic for Jobina and I as we have explored this touchy subject, but I think for some couples (especially those not familiar with The Policy Of Joint Agreement) it could be quite exciting. The reasons you might agree to try this little experiment would be:

a. You like to live dangerously!
b. You really want to please your spouse (and them to please you).
c. You really, really hate at least one article of your spouse's clothing and would do anything to get rid of it, even sacrifice your own clothes!
d. You want to explore new levels of honesty with your spouse and you need something to get you started.

Anyway, if anyone out there is daring enough to try this please let me know the results. Where do I get all these amazing ideas from? It's like magic . . .

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