Monday, February 23, 2009

Meatless In Manitoba: Day 23

Well, the end in in sight for my little vegetarian experiment. The funny thing is that I'm kind of scared! I think it's for a few reasons:

1. I enjoyed the experience and am not sure if I want to quit this meatless things
2. I don't look forward to the "stomach adjustment" that I know will happen if I start eating meat again.
3. I'm thinking that maybe this was too easy - should I try going vegan (no meat, no dairy, no eggs) for a month?
4. What if I just go back to my high meat diet and nothing changes for me?

In lots of ways I don't think I've benefited as much from this as I could have because although I have eaten no meat, I haven't increased my veggies all that much. I have discovered that you can be a vegetarian and still eat pretty bad. Overall though, I still feel better then I did before and for that I am thankful. I estimate about 10-15% better, and if I ate even healthier (and actually exercised) I would probably feel around 20-30% better. I'm realizing that health is so much a sum of many factors:

1. Nutrition
2. Exercise
3. Sleep
4. Relationships
5. Work
6. Faith/Spirituality
7. Recreation
8. Finances

To focus on just one thing is helpful but really you need to tackle all of them to feel really big benefits. I have learned lots about the vegetarian way but one thing I have realized is that I truly dislike beans! Luckily we recently discovered lentils which are similar but taste way better. Jobina has been making some awesome curry dishes which I am also enjoying quite a bit. I don't know what else to write on the subject but perhaps something more profound will come out of my last one or two posts before the experiment is over. . .

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