Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Voices In Our Heads

This cartoon from the Joy of Tech made me smile (click to enlarge):

Although most of us don't hear true "voices" we are all hearing things in a way because of the messages and beliefs stuck inside our heads. "You're a loser," "I should be better," or "I'm fat." Or maybe they are good messages like "I'm special," "God is good," or "Life is harsh but I can still be happy." Have you ever really analyzed the voices in your head and ask yourself if the message you hear is:

1. True?
2. Helpful?
3. Logical?

In counselling we call the messages we tell ourselves/hear as "self-talk" or "automatic thoughts." What are yours saying? May we all have the wisdom to dispute our voices that are not true or not doing us any good.

May Light increase!

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